Tuesday, June 1, 2010


During the studio session today I continued work on the facial expressions, which I am also currently working on.

The last lecture was on film audio and the different ways of putting a soundtrack to a film and the different components of narration/vocal, SFX and music.

Our film will use SFX and music but will instead have subtitles rather than voice actors. We have so much work to do in a week and it's all so time consuming.

I am going to go to the media Mac labs to source some sound effects from the Apple Library that I used for a film in one of my media courses last year. I filmed and edited my 3 min film on my own and it took me a long time. I know I can edit a 1-2 min animated film but don't see where I/we can find the time to do that if we haven't even got a whole scene animated.

Currently I am working on the close up facial expressions of Mr Apple and Monsieur Banane, finding SFX and working out rough subtitles and credits for the film, Simon is working on animating the first scene of the page turning and Jonno is working on the Flash folio and promotional package as well as animating the environments.

Fingers crossed it all starts to come together.

I have set aside all of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to work on the film, this meant cancelling shifts that I was finally rostered on for at work which I badly need.

If I was to do a course like DMIII in future I would definately opt to work on my own or in a pair because having a group of three makes communication far more difficult.

I know that it will come together OK in the end but I would have liked to do better than just OK. Plus leaving things til the last minute means I miss out on other things like work and a friend's 21st this Saturday. Oh well.

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