My original pitch concept for Assignment 1 was called "The Lighter Side" and was a story about a little girl (pictured) who's pet bug died.
She is sitting alone on the kerb looking sad when a boy slightly older than her approaches her to play. When she doesn't respond the boy pokes her with a stick and she holds up the match box with her dead bug in it. He then drags her off the screen and the next shot is of them standing by a grave which they have just made for the bug. The boy puts his arm on the girl's shoulder but then pushes over, on to the ground. Instead of crying she jumps up and chases him off the screen because they are just two little kids with uncomplicated lives.
I based this idea around my own feelings and thoughts on the themes of love, loss and friendship and the idea that good friends really can get you through the worst times in your life.
I still really like this idea and I think with a bit more practise, I might still bring this idea to life further down the track as my own side project.
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